Thank You To Our Partners

Teeing up brighter futures

Pros Fore Clothes — Donation to Jericho Way +
Project of Depaul USA
Little Rock, AR. November 2020
Thanks to the support of two of our manufacturing partners, Summit Golf Brands and Peter Millar,
we were able to donate over 250 articles of clothing to Jericho Way + DePaul USA, a national homeless services non-profit organization. We are so grateful to our manufacturing partners for helping us in support and uplift so many deserving men in the community.

Pros Fore Clothes — Donation to City of Refuge
Atlanta, GA. February 2019
Pros Fore Clothes is proud to work with City of Refuge Atlanta for the first time. Located in the middle of one of Atlanta’s most historic and struggling neighborhoods, City of Refuge helps people and families rebound from crises through education, housing, and job training. Thanks to the effort of PGA Professionals, Robert Bruns, Atticus Bellen and Chris McCue, Pros Fore Clothes was able to donate over 200 pounds of gently worn clothing in excellent condition. Pros Fore Clothes is honored to continue supporting City of Refuge Atlanta and their on-going commitment to improving the lives of those in need.

Pros Fore Clothes — 2nd Annual Golden Hanger Challenge
Big Rapids, MI and Princess Anne, MD. September 2018
Ferris State University and University of Maryland Eastern Shore’s Professional Golf Management programs competed in Pro Fore Clothes’ 2nd Annual Golden Hanger Challenge. Their challenge? Organize a single-event clothing drive. The prize at stake? A VIP, all expenses paid tour of the Peter Millar Headquarters for the student co-chairs, an on-campus educational program provided by Pros Fore Clothes and Peter Millar, and, of course, the coveted Golden Hanger Trophy. The program that collected the most clothing would take first prize. In total, 1,395 pounds of clothing were collected and donated to individuals in need. Thanks to the stellar leadership of Tyler McElroy and the overall commitment of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore student society, the UMES PGM program successfully defended their title! Congratulations to the two time Champion, UMES PGM Program! The 3rd Annual Golden Hanger Challenge is underway.

Pros Fore Clothes — 2nd Annual Golden Hanger Challenge
Big Rapids, MI and Princess Anne, MD. September 2018
Thanks to Kevin Hardy, Senior Assistant Golf Professional with the Country Club of Darien, Pros Fore Clothes is donating over 2,000 pounds of clothing to individuals directly impacted by Hurricane Harvey through the Houston Relief Hub. With help and support from Michael Crawford of Woodway Country Club and Sam Wiley of Wee Burn Country Club, Kevin and his fellow golf professionals’ collective effort represents one of the Foundation’s largest single clothing drives, and the Foundation’s first donation in response to a natural disaster. Please join the Foundation in extending a sincere thank you to Kevin, Michael, Sam, and their respective staffs and members for their strong commitment to serving others!
The perfect drive is one that provides for others.
Get in touch with us to help touch the lives of those in need.
Lisa Railey, Executive Director
© 2025 Pros Fore Clothes Foundation. All Rights Reserved.